We Share Martin Luther King’s Dream

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The dream that one day blacks and whites and people of all races could live in America without discrimination, privileges or exclusion.

The dream that one day a black person could become president of the United States.

This dream has become a reality.

We had a dream, that extended to all of the world, for all peoples to live in peace, without making distinctions. “All equal in dignity”. All different, all united.

For that reason I deeply regret the rally that was staged at the same place on the Washington D.C. Mall on August 28. Ms. Palin organized a rally of far-right fanatics (who were all past immigrants) under the banner “Restoring Honor”. But, Ms. Palin, honor was restored years ago by Rosa Parks. Honor was restored by Martin Luther King. Honor was restored by all of the Americans who demonstrated to the world that they really believe in the equal dignity of all human beings.

Our dream is still the dream of 1963. And our dream is that of those whom you represent may reflect on the damage that their attitudes are doing to the U.S.

You, Ms. Palin, are anything but a dream. Rest assured that the immense majority of the inhabitants of the earth dream about achieving the dream that was so beautifully described at the Lincoln Memorial by the Reverend Martin Luther King.